Offline is not off the line

Top tips for real estate agents in Singapore for a successful offline marketing

We can say that online marketing dominates over traditional, but ignoring the second one is a huge mistake. It is more like part of the game. One does not necessarily works without the other.

A difficult question when it comes to real estate is marketing. You don’t want to be too much, but want to be there. It is obvious to create and sustain an online marketing platform for your company, but what about good old marketing technics?

In this article they claim that: ”You may regularly post tweets and update your Facebook fan page with engaging articles, videos, and updates, but you will be competing with thousands of other businesses – big or small, competitor or not – who also view these marketing platforms as “efficient, affordable, and fast-paced”.

Offline marketing tips for real estate agents

That means the market is huge and the competition is intense, so a good way to push and advantage is to maximize offline marketing possibility utilization. Staying creative and the perfect mixture of traditional and online marketing tricks is essential to be a top real estate agent. Although, it also mentions that classic marketing is especially good for upcoming companies. As much as it is true, it can be life-saving for all companies on the long run.

While two years ago some claimed that in Singapore marketers spent too much on long-established and too less on online marketing, there is still something interesting about this island country. Thanks to its geographical physiognomy, it can be considered as a small unit, therefore traditional marketing strategies might had been preferred.

So what is still there to do?

You are trying to sell or rent your properties and/or promoting your business. There are still many ways of doing it if you wish to invest your time. Success is expected in distribute or instantly, as well.

Offline marketing tips for real estate agents

Outdoor marketing

Posters are a great way to always be in front of people’s eyes. When you plan it, make sure that it is placed where you expect the audience. In case of properties it is easy and hard.

There can be people interested anywhere in town, so basically you can’t really make a huge mistake as the information is never undisclosed for the public, it is seen 24/7. Moreover, it is more affordable than online exposures. A very creative and successful way of promoting is setting up an offline guerilla marketing.

Printed materials

Using brochures can become very beneficial. It works as a personalized message and it helps to get maximum efficiency. Leaflets are great reminders to get back to later and free magazines are also a good way to give a full picture of a full customer experience.

Partnered programmes

Promoting events in town is the best way to become familiar with locals and to intertwine your interests with their priorities. Sponsor a local sports team and you acquire local and foreign exposure when they go on tournaments.

You can also consider CSR events or charity, but creating your own event can lead to a bingo! Use your knowledge as a marketing trigger and offer it on related events or expos. Here are some examples:

  • GREO is for Global Real Estate Outlook
  • For sponsorship informations visit this site
  • Reach out for ideas on creative marketing here


Offline marketing tips for real estate agents

All of these are great to progress and don’t forget to combine them with online marketing. They work at their best in a symbiosis and they complete the whole customer experience. That is remarkable so people will give attention and this is what you want on your doorsteps. Consider only feeding online or offline targets. Some will stay hungry, and misunderstand your abilities and branding.

All in all, these are all efficient tactics - mostly in the long run - , but to have a truly solid base for your company, they are all necessary and important.