5+1 social media tips for real estate agents

Today, if you can't find something on the Internet, it doesn't exist. We all grab our smartphones and start typing if we want to know more about something. The potential clients had already had their first impressions before they met us, therefore, you need to ensure that they see a positive image. Here are some tips as to how we can get more followers and clients as real estate agents.

5+1 social emdia tips1. Opening business accounts (where possible)

Most social networking sites allow you to have a business profile in addition to your personal one. It requires a slightly different handling, but there are many advantages of it if you decide to use one. Depending on the service, you have access to statistics (where visitors are, what they are interested in) that will help you to improve your profile page.

5+1 social media tips

Add your availability information, a short description of the real estate service or yourself (depending on whether it is a private enterprise or a company) and the most important details. Using such accounts projects more expertise and professionalism, thereby suggesting reliability to our followers.

You can create business accounts on the following social networking sites. Click on the links to see the steps to creating one.

  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Instagram

If you create multiple accounts on different sites, it is a good idea to register with identical names, so clients can easily recognize you.

2. Continuous updates

If we rarely post and / or post articles and contents of poor quality, the number of followers won't grow, and new clients won't contact us either. Experts claim that in this case, it's better not to have a profile at all, so it won't spoil our image.

Therefore, it is worth posting at least once every day, take some time creating own content and answering comments. You can even create a Q&A section if the platform allows it. In order to increase the number of followings, make polls, draw prizes, etc.

The more social networking sites we are available on, the more followers (and prospective clients) we'll get. Note, however, that different types of posts reach different number of audiences on multiple sites, so, if you want to share the same content, you'll need to work on its details and its appearance as well.

3. Use unique and high-quality content and images

In order to be more recognizable, use a unique set of fonts, colors, and logos as well, so your posts won't get lost in the torrent of the newsfeed. To identify yourself and gain the trust of clients, you can use your own profile image so that visitors will get a more personal touch.to

When creating content, you may use the characteristics of business account to your advantage: statistics shows us what visitors are interested in, so you can create your posts accordingly. You should choose unique topics that the majority of people are interested in.

5+1 social media tips

When uploading images, or, occasionally videos, make sure that they are of appropriate quality, free of blurs and pixilations and produce an enjoyable sight (just as with profile images, cover images and logos.)

Further information on image formats and sizes used on social media >>

4. The 80/20 ratio

The 80/20 ratio rule refers to the ratio of content shared on social networking sites.

80% of the content should not be connected to real estate business, but rather be confined to free-time activities. Examples:

  • hobbies (creating decorations, gardening, furnishing)
  • contact with clients
  • displaying the neighborhood or city
  • tips about selling real estate for laymen
  • tips about renovating the apartment
  • spending free time (family, programs)

It is important to share as many of your own content as possible among these posts.

The remaining 20% can be about selling real estate. Here, you can share work-related posts: images about real estate for sale, descriptions, videos, already sold real estate, a glimpse into the work of a property agent, etc.

This ratio is the most effective when applying it at 5 or 10-day periods, uploading 1-2 posts per day.

5. Using keywords and hashtags

Search engines of all social networking sites rank your posts higher in the search results if they contain more relevant phrases. Therefore choose your words carefully, since you need to adhere to the constraints of your content.

Hashtags are primarily used on Instagram, but Facebook and Twitter allow you to insert them as well. Hashtags and keywords can be anything relevant to the post's topic: name of the city, street, descriptive words of the neighborhood, price, creation of image, etc.

5+1 social media tips

+1 there is life offline as well.

You need to move with the times, but the internet is just an instrument of modern times. Especially the previous generations still value personal contacts more, or the prospective clients around you prefer more traditional methods (like newspaper ads), so the means of addressing them should be considered as well.

Additionally, you can reach out to people by organizing community activities, like a tour of the real estate for sale.


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